“Ok, fine, just please give it to me.” He begged.
“Where's your credit card?”
“It's in my wallet on my dresser…” The girls all rushed into the bedroom to find it. Nathan crawled after them. He was beyond the point of being able to walk. They took his credit card and went into “Brittany's room to sit down at her computer. Nathan followed them in. “Come on, where's the Aloe Vera?” He demanded.
“Just be patient, let us use the card first.”
“Fuck” He muttered. “How much?”
“300 dollars” Bobbie said, while looking at Amazon.com.
“300 dollars, what the fuck? There's no way it cost that much.”
“I told you, it's expensive. I won't be greedy though. I'll only spend 100 dollars.”
“Thank you.” He sighed.
“I'll let your sister and Brittany spend the other two.”
“Fuck! Ok fine, just give me the Aloe Vera.”
“Not until we're done! How do I know your card won't get declined.”
“Please hurry.” Nathan requested. He crawled to his room and put on some sweatpants with great difficulty. The girls took their time shopping as he lay in the hall just outside the room, pouring sweat and struggling to maintain consciousness. The girls hemmed and hawed deciding what to buy. After thirty minutes or so Nathan was fed up. He crawled into the room. Bobbie smiled down at him.
“You probably want that lotion now huh?”
“Uh huh.” Nathan responded, hopeful that she was about to give it to him.
“Well Grace is just about done, then you can have it.”
“I just have six dollars left to spend…” Grace explained. “It's hard to find something online for six dollars.”
“Please Bobbie, just let me use it now.”
“Not until she's done.”
“Ooh, Nathan, can I get this instead? It's 25 dollars.”
“Yeah, whatever, just do it.” Nathan didn't even care what it was.
“Yes!” Grace exclaimed. “K Done.” She announced.
“Alright Nathan, time for your lotion.” Bobbie smiled. “Do you have a Q Tip Brittany.” Grace and Brittany chuckled.
“Yep.” Brittany went through her drawers.
“I don't need a Q Tip, just give me the bottle.”
“Eww, no, I don't want your germs in it. Besides, you'll take too much.”
“I just spent 300 dollars on you!” Brittany handed Bobbie the Q Tip. Bobbie pulled the aloe vera out of her purse, opened up and dipped one end of the Q Tip in.
“HA!” Grace blurted.
“There ya go.” Bobbie handed the Q Tip to Nathan.
“What is this? Just let me use the bottle.”
“That's 300 dollars worth.” Bobbie explained. The three girls had smug smiles of satisfaction.
“No, fuck, no, come on!”
“What?” Bobbie laughed.
“Thats not enough”
“Sure it is, just apply it sparingly.” Bobbie cracked up, followed by Grace and Brittany. Nathan almost started crying, but went to the bathroom to do what he could with the Aloe Vera. The burn was dark and hot. Applying the Aloe Vera just hurt. He collapsed to the floor. He wanted to just pass out. After 5 minutes he realized the direness of his situation. He was able to pull himself together and get to his room. He got some clothes on, and left to go to the hospital without saying anything to the girls.