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"Aww, look at the doggie" Michael said as a woman and her dog walked toward them.
"Ohh, so cute" Ashley said. "I love pit-bulls."
"Aww" Emily added. Jessica smiled.
Michael got up from the picnic table and approached the dog. "Ah, he's not too friendly." The woman warned. Her dog started growling.
"Oh sorry." Michael started backing away, but the dog charged him. It snapped at his crotch, but Michael jumped away.
"Oooh, so close" Ashley laughed. The dog snapped again immediately and chomped it's vicious teeth into Michael crotch.
"No!" Michael screamed. His heart nearly stopped as he felt the teeth puncture his dick and one testicle. He reached for the dog's head, but the dog just growled and bit down harder. The bite was locked.
"Oh my God!" Jessica exclaimed.
The dog yanked it's head violently to one side tearing in deeper. The girls all kind of shuddered and laughed at the same time. "Get him off!!" Michael screamed. “No! No!” He cried. The pain was like fire burning him from the inside out. His head swelled with panic. He knew if this dog didn't let up his dick would be torn off. He thought the owner would get her dog under control, but he saw that she was just standing there with her hand over her mouth trying to cover her laughter. The dog yanked it's head to the other side. "Help me! He's tearing my dick off!" Michael screamed. At this point Emily, Jessica and Ashley started cracking up. Michael was beet red and pouring sweat. His heart pounded like a jackhammer in his head. He felt like was gonna have a heart attack. The lady was laughing more openly now that she saw the other girls laughing. She was doing nothing to help. Michael was panicking, he didn't know what to do.
"Just tell her to stop Michael, you have to be assertive with dogs." Ashley told him, struggling not to laugh the whole time.
"Stop! Off! Down!" Michael screamed desperately. The dog just yanked back and forth harder. The girls burst back into laughter. Michael tried grabbing her head, but she just bit down harder. He started blacking out and collapsed, at which point, the dog let go, and trotted, tongue out and tail wagging, back to it's owner. Michael was curled up, eyes closed tightly, taking tiny breaths, as even breathing deeply seemed to aggravate the nightmarish pain. He was terrified as he felt the blood collecting in his underwear., he knew he was fucked. The girls' laughter tapered off as the woman approached.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, sometimes she gets a little feisty" She told him. "Are you alright?" She couldn't help but laugh a little. Michael didn't even respond. He was disoriented.
"He'll be fine" Ashley assured her. Emily and Jessica smiled at her.
"You sure?" The woman asked Ashley, now ignoring Michael.
"Yeah, don't worry, he's my brother, I'll take care of him."
"K" The woman snickered. "Thanks" and she strutted away.
"You ok Michael?" Emily asked. The girls cracked up. Michael was breathing heavily and feeling sick. He didn't respond.
"Ok, that was hilarious." Ashley said. They laughed in agreement.
"It looked like that dog did some serious damage." Jessica said.
"Oh my god he's bleeding." Emily noticed.
Ashley laughed. "Are you serious?"
"Oh my god he is!" Jessica said.
"Do you need to go to the hospital?" Ashley asked.
"Yes" Michael whimpered.
The girls laughed.
"Did the dog actually bite INTO your balls?" Emily asked.
"Yes" Michael was crying. The girls laughed harder.
"Oh wow, too funny." Emily said.
"Ok, let's go." Ashley said with a hint of annoyance. The girls got up. "Are you coming?" Ashley asked Michael.
"Yeah." He whispered. He struggled to his knees. The pain was sickening, and he felt woozy.
"Oh god, that's a lot of blood" Ashley laughed, noticing that the crotch of his pants was soaked. "Better hurry." She chimed.
"Can you help me?" He asked, as he held himself steady on the picnic table.
"Oh GOD" Ashley sighed. She went over and pulled his arm over her shoulder. "Ready?"