"Oh god, don't be such a baby…you weren't gonna sue her anyway" Emily laughed.
Michael didn't respond. He just sat staring out the window, stewing in rage and despair. They pulled up to Jessica's house where they were staying and got out of the car. The girls were all smiling at Michael. He was just looking at the ground. "Come on, don't be mad at me just because I didn't stop."
"That was my only chance, you fucking bitch." He muttered.
Emily's eyes opened wide. She stepped up to Michael. She smacked him hard in the face. Michael moved his hands up to protect himself from being slapped again, and she gave him a swift kick to the crotch. Michael collapsed to the ground in nauseating agony. It felt like she kicked open his stitches a little, along with bashing his last nut. She laughed and smiled condescendingly down at him. Ashley and Jessica noticed and were shocked. "Sorry, it's probably too soon for that huh?" Emily asked.
"I just had fucking surgery."
"Oops, I totally forgot, you just pissed me off so much when you called me a fucking bitch that I completely forgot about your surgery. Sorry." She smiled. Ashley broke from her forced concern and cracked up. Followed shortly by Jessica.
"Do you need to go back to the hospital?" Emily mockingly asked. Ashley and Jessica were giggling.
"I don't know." Michael muttered.
"Well if you need to go back that's fine. We were having more fun without you anyway." Emily laughed.
"Yeah we were." Ashley reluctantly agreed.
"Fuck you." Michael muttered.
"Actually I don't think you'll be fucking anyone ever again." Emily smiled smugly. Ashley and Jessica laughed. Michael started crying. “Aww” Emily smirked. “Are you sad about your peepee?” Ashley cracked up. “Well, look on the bright side, I'm sure you'll have much much more free time now…one less distraction right?”
The girls laughed at him laying there until they got bored, and then left him laying outside in the driveway.