Jodie handed the ball back to the youngster. “Hold it over your head like I did. That’s right. Now spread your

legs like a quarterback. Good. Now when you say HIKE I’ll introduce you to foot…ball. I’ll show you how I kick a

proper field goal.”

The boy, being an innocent little fella, did as he was told. “HIKE!”

Jodie used her hawk eyes to spy exactly where his eggs rested, as they spilled against his nylon shorts, creating

an imprint against the material. She saw them snugly resting exactly where they should be, and she noticed that

they were particularly small. Maybe one inch in length and half an inch in girth. Did they just drop recently? She

thought idly to herself. Well they’re fresh for the pickin’s then! She thought, excitedly. With lightning speed,

she snapped her ballet trained leg upwards, abruptly sinking the hard-plastic toe of her running shoe about 3

inches past where his balls used to be and up into his body. The kick was so tremendously powerful that she lifted him off the ground. He only rose about an inch or so, but it was enough to knock him onto his back. “Goal! Two points for me!”

The boy released the ball he was holding over his head and slowly slumped to the ground, crying openly. Jodie for

her part was laughing at the kid’s condition. She lifted her foot in the air and brought her heel smashing down on the colorful ball he and his sister had been playing with. It popped under her foot in front of the boy’s face.

He vomited and she laughed.