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After about an hour of going on rides and playing games, they decided to get something to eat. They were all walking towards the food court area. Each step added to the intense burning sensation in Michael's nether regions. It was hard to bear, but he didn't want to ruin the girls fun by leaving.

“You wanna share an elephant ear?” Emily asked Jessica.


“How about you Michael?” Emily asked.

“Ok, sure. That sounds good.” Michael was looking at Emily as he replied. Ashley was on the other side of him. Ashley deftly flicked Michael in the nuts with her hand.

“SACK TAP!” She announced, laughing. Michael immediately collapsed. The pain felt the same as when he got hit with the baseball. The girls immediately cracked up, laughing at him.

“That's SO mean.” Emily laughed.

“Nice one Ashley.” Jessica complimented. Michael was lying on the ground in the fetal position, breathing shallowly and rocking back and forth.

“Why'd you do that to me?” He muttered.

“Sorry, I couldn't help it.” Ashley explained. Michael was pissed off. The girls kept snickering. Laughing with an attitude like he should have been more careful.

“You don't understand how much this hurts Ashley.”

“And you don't understand how funny it is.” Jessica retorted. The girls burst into more laughter. Michael just lay there for a moment. He was angry but didn't want to yell over the laughter.

After the laughter died down, Emily started prodding him. “Come on, get up…I'm hungry.” The pain was unbearably intense.

“I can't get up yet, it hurts too bad.”

“Well the longer you lay there the later we're staying tonight.” Ashley reasoned.

“Well if you hit me in the nuts again, I'm leaving and not coming back.”

“Oh my gosh, drama queen.” Ashley mocked. Michael was shocked out how uncompassionate his sister was being about it. He wasn't ready to get up. “So…with how long you've been laying there so far, we're staying til at least 8:15.” Michael didn't even have the heart to argue. He got up but his legs trembled. The girls noticed and laughed.

“Let's go” Emily suggested.

Michael struggled to keep up with them as they walked to the food court area. Each step hurt. The girls were walking in front and they didn't bother slowing their pace for him. They waited in line for a food stand.

“How ya doin' there?” Jessica asked.

“Not too good.”

Ashley scoffed.

“What?” Michael confronted her.


“Why'd you hit me? That was really mean. You don't understand, I feel sick from the pain…it's really bad.”

Ashley laughed. Emily and Jessica were smiling. Michael didn't know what to say. They all ordered and sat down at a picnic table to eat.

“Really Michael, you're gonna be ok.” Jessica assured him.

“How do you know?”

“Because, you're walking around, if it was really serious, you wouldn't even be able to walk.”

“I can barely walk.”

Jessica laughed. “Ok.”

Ashley and Emily joined the laughter.

“Seriously Michael, I've seen guys get hit in the nuts worse than that, and they're always alright. You'll just have some swelling for a few days at the most.” Ashley giggled after saying it with the girls.

“Worse than that?”

“Yeah, like skating and stuff. I've seen guys land on rails pretty hard.”

“How do you know they were ok, did you ask them later?”

“No.” Ashley laughed. “Good point.” The girls all laughed. Michael finished his lunch in silence while the girls talked and joked about this and that.