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“Oh man, look what time it is…11:30…You have to work tomorrow morning right?” Ashley asked.

“Yeah, at 7.”

“You should probably just hold off on going to the emergency room then. You could be there all night, and what you really need is sleep. Besides,I'm sure you're fine.”

“It doesn't matter, I need to go.”

“You realize it's a waste of time though.”

“No, it's not a waste of time Ashley.”

“They're just gonna get mad at you for wasting their time.”

“I'm going.”

“K have fun” She laughed.

Michael walked down the stairs to his car. He turned it on, but kept thinking about what Ashley said. He really didn't want to waste his time at the emergency room, and he didn't want to have a night of no sleep. He reluctantly decided not to go.

When he walked in the door Ashley started laughing. “Did you change your mind?”

“Yes, I just need to sleep now.”

“Good idea” She laughed. Michael went to bed angry and in agony. He barely slept. When he woke up the next morning he felt worn out from the pain. He felt stiff, swollen and hot around his groin and found it hard to even get up at all. When he looked down he was disturbed to see that the bruising was darker than before. His balls were still pretty swollen, but the swelling in his dick had decreased noticeably.

Getting through the day at work was incredibly challenging. He was in constant pain, felt a little feverish and had to pee constantly. When he finally got off he was ready to go to the hospital and find out what the hell was wrong. As he walked out to his car, he got a call from Ashley.


“Hey, how are you doing?”

“Not great. I'm heading to the hospital now.”

“NO! You were supposed to take me down to the rodeo in Houston tonight remember? We have to leave in half an hour or we won't make it.”

“Ah, I forgot about that, but we have to cancel that Ashley, I HAVE to go to the hospital tonight.”

“No you don't. You're fine, you got hit hard with a baseball, so yeah, it's gonna hurt…you're gonna be swollen for a few days, but that's it, you aren't gonna lose your manhood and you don't need to go to the hospital.”

“You don't know Ashley. I need to see a doctor to be sure.”

“So go tomorrow” She whined.

“Ashley, work was really hard today, I barely made it through the day. I can't do that again tomorrow.”

“Come on! Please?”

Michael didn't want to give in, but he was a pushover, and part of him hoped she was right about everything being ok.


“Yes! Thank you! It will be fun, I promise!”

“K, see ya soon.” Michael was frustrated but also holding onto hope that he was being a hypochondriac.