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"That will be quite enough!" The snap of a long ruler on a desk snapped the class back into their fearful silence that had become routine in Madame's class.  She went to the next slide. In the hour that followed, the class learned what made boys and girls different. They learned that girls, once they become women, have the ability to create life in their womb, which is well protected inside their body.  They learned that the female genitalia is a prize of evolution, something to be respected.  Chelsea had never given any thought to what was between her legs, or to what being a girl even meant.  She suddenly felt a sense of pride and satisfaction.  

Moving on, the class learned about male genitalia, about its two parts, the penis and testicles, or balls as they were commonly referred to.  "Unlike it female counterpart, the male is poorly designed.  It leaves the male's vital reproductive organs completely outside of the body and open to any manner of harm," she said, again with a slight smile on her face.  "A blow that would barely be felt by a girl, would cause some pain to a boy, while a blow that would cause some pain to a girl, similar to the feeling of being hit in the arm, or the leg, would cause the upmost excruciating pain to a boy."

The lesson delved into more detail, about the nerve ending on the testicles and the pain this caused boys.  They also learned about how easily testicles could be ruptured, or popped.  "Why, given the right positioning, any girl in this room has the weight and force to stomp a pair of testicles into mush," said Madame, eliciting looks of terror from the boys and giggles from the girls, which she did not attempt to halt. 

By the end of the lesson, the room had been transformed.  It was as if the genie had been let out of the bottle.  Only a few hours before, the students had been unaware of something so fundamental about themselves, and about eachother. Jody and Chelsea giggled happily together.  "Oh my God," said Jody, "That means that Brian (her little brother) has a pair of balls too! I've tried everything to stop him from annoying me, now I can finally get him good!"  Chelsea's eyes lit up.  "Oh my God! You're so right! Bobby is going to get it tonight!"

"Now class," Madame returned the class's attention to her - the girls looking enthusiastic and happy, the boys looking as though they wanted to run for the door as quickly as possible.  "Now that we have those basics out of the way, we shall return to the point of today's lesson - discipline."  Chlesea had completely forgotten the topic with which they had started the day, and was disappointed that they were returning to this, as were all of the girls. 

"As I said, here at the Academy we operate on a simple system of punishment and rewards.  In fact, I have arranged a little demonstration." She looked to the back of the class, where a girl from another class entered.  She looked to be a few grades above Chelsea's class. "Shannon is the top student in her grade level," said Madame proudly, as Shannon took her place beside her.  "Shannon works very hard, but she is also rewarded for her work."  

Madame turned her attention to one of the boys in the middle row.  "Johnny, if I'm not mistaken - and I'm not - you arrived late to my class yesterday.  Come up here, now."  Johnny squirmed uncomfortably in his seat, his eyes full of fear, not knowing what was going on, but knowing that whatever happened was going to be very bad.  However, his fear of Madame was strong, and he dared not disobey, he walked solemly up to the front of the room. 

"Now, normally I would have punished Johnny on the spot for his transgression, but I thought he would make for a useful demonstration of today's lesson. Now Johnny, put your hands on your head and close your eyes."  Johnny reluctantly obeyed this odd command.  "Now begin counting to 10."