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Here's what I tried to upload. But after thinking about it, there's no reason to post huge files to the server aside from proving that it can be done. Mega works fine.!m8QTyCSY!r2mifCKEnmUL0xB3cmhWLqgJKAaQrt7ktM-Z89J1o0I

Forugh Farrokhzad - Khaneh siah ast AKA The House Is Black (1963)

< It was the only movie made by Forough Farrokhzad.

< A documentary of 20 minutes length; actually it is a documentary only at the first level of meaning: the disturbing images from a leper colony are meditated in verses that partner what's flowing on the screen. Fragments from Psalms, from Koran, from her own poetry. And her stanzas, sometimes in sync with the images, some times in counterpoint, always challenging the versets from the sacred books. One of the greatest poets of the twentieth century, that's what I believe Forough Farrokhzad is.

< This movie is a cinematic poem: empathy for the extreme suffering, desolation that we cannot escape from our condition, and, in the same time, awe in face of the beauty of creation.