So basically I rotate my training roughly every three months to coordinate with the seasons. I'm focusing less on flexibility at this time of year and more on strength training. However I found myself lacking, where I'm exhausted from work (build stone walls) I was too tired to think of my exercises. I usually just think up stuff as I go from my years of experience but this year I decided to write an actual regimen to keep me focused. Took me a few days to make sure I covered all the majors I wanted but hopefully it should keep me on track. I'm not usually one to be highly regimented because I find it boring and enjoy getting creative with my training but it just wasn't working so fingers crossed this works out.

Also, not that I care but the main character of Strahip Troopers is black and emphasises lots of race mixing, something heinlein was a big fan of. Might not be to everyones tastes.