> mod skyrim to skycoon to satisfy my fetish
> not degenerate shit like futa, lolicon, inflation, vore and the likes
> just strong haughty femoids being raped and used as cumdump(preferably elves) 
> legit only play quests that involve elf npcs, when the quest is done i took them to the dark brotherhood abandoned shack near solitude
> soon its filled with around 7 or 8 elves NPC, 2 of which are custom followers i only download solely to be my cocksleeve
> meanwhile, the Hjerim at Windhelm, i turned it into a Nord/Breton/Imperial NPC stash after i finished the serial killer quest and got the key
> usually i use valtheim towers near whiterun since it could be cleaned easily from the bandits, doesnt have any indoor room(quick travel wont be a hassle full of loading screens), and its simply looks cool
> but time after time NPCs from patrol mod usually kill every NPC i contain there if they belong to their respective enemy faction
> usually i coom like about 5-7 times per playing session, which mostly spent on the cumdump stash
> and usually i build stealth character since knocking them down silently are easier, and i could rape random female npcs while on quest
> also i turn up the sex chance for npcs so if there are any random female npc get knocked down, other nearby male npc would rape them til theyre satisfied
unfortunately no screenshots since i deleted the saves and the screenshots since i was disgusted by them
pic related one of the best femnpc replacer out there