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Hey there, anons

We're in the process of organizing a new edition of The Infinity Cup or /icup/ for short, a virtual soccer tournament pitching various  boards and imageboards against each other, and we're trying to find out if you guys wanted to reserve a spot in the final tournament. For an example of what the tournament looks like, refer to http://infinitycup.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Infinity_Cup_6
Since your team has never played in previous iterations, we don't have either your roster, your kits or logos, so the only thing we ask of you if you want to join is the following:

1) Create a roster of 16 to 23 players, which can be named as you see fit;
2) Create a suitable logo for your board, it can be in any shape you want;
3) Create at the very least one kit for your team, which can be done by using this flat one as a template; There's no maximum on allowed kits, but the norm is to give a Home kit, an Away kit and a Goalkeeper kit at minimum;
4) Making sure your team has the correct number of medals (1 Gold, 1 Silver and 2 Bronze), which you can see from the wiki page; 
5) Making a thread over at https://anon.cafe/icup/ with your team's pledge, you just need to make a new thread telling us that your board wants in on the cup.
Optionally) Assign player cards, roles and special strategies to your players, which can be referenced from the following wiki articles:
Optionally2) Change roster names and/or give us 3D models to use for your team, or new kits or whatever contribution you'd like.

I hope to see you guys on the pitch!
Bapa Iqro aka Allah Swt jangan lupa

Btw ada yg punya gambar editan kesebelasan bola feses yg dulu sering diposting? Ada bli gung, acan, bapa iqro, hantu nya anssen, zhang purnama, dll. Ada yg nyimpen? Bisa dijadiin acuan buat line up kita

Formasinya 3-3-1-3 atau formasi meme macem 3-3-4 atau 2-4-4 aja

Mayan, cuma w prefer pake tameng ala lambang lambang provinsi gitu dibanding garuda pancasila
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Woy yg mau bikin kit, w rikues home kit kita warna coklat krem macem tampilan feses yg dulu
Away kit nya kalo pada bingung seragam SMA aja

Oh sama, romansa difabel jangan lupa lah. Sama ini ada yg tau bapak-bapak dieditan kaban itu siapa? Masukin aja ke roster

Lalu yg dulu dijadiin maskot feses tuh OC-nya sapa? Yozhman kan? Yang based on pop team epic. Nah itu juga masukin
Pake template bli gung semua pemaennya? Kek, boleh. Cuma kipernya pake template kak seto fuck baru inget, masukin juga kak seto ke roster
Mantab wan, makasih banyak. W prefer yg logo PSSA sih. Paling tambahan dari w, simbol-simbol yg di tengah ganti pake siluet bli gung atau siluet zhang purnama atau siluet hantu nya anssen
Lalu buat yg garuda, saran w nama fscchan/fsc channel nya ditaro di atas burungnya aja. Buat kain yg dipegang, tulisannya kata-kata mutiara seperti hasil revolusi mental taiker
List pemain /fscchan/ :
-Bernard Mahfouz
-Zhang Purnama
-susilo "based" yudhoyono
-si coeg
-pengen ngenthu
-Bli agung
-Bocah filthy frank
-Aing teh maung
List pemain /fscchan/ :
1. Acan
2. Alif-kun
3. Guru PPKN
4. Aingnama
5. Benrick
6. Bernard Mahfouz
7. Orei
8. Zhang Purnama
9. susilo "based" yudhoyono
10. pengen ngenthu
11. joni si pengentot
12. Bli gung
13. Bocah filthy frank
14. Maungnama
15. Anssen
16. Dimas-kun
17. Ortodoksnama
18. Cewe lumpuh dari Romansa dan Difabel
19. Bapa-bapa mirip kaban
20. OC-nya Yozhman
21. Bapa Iqro aka Allah Swt
22. Boneka OPPO
23. IPB shill from /ac/

Gimana? Setuju?


1. Acan
2. Alif-kun
3. Guru PPKN
4. Aingnama
5. Benrick
6. Bernard Mahfouz
7. Orei
8. Zhang Purnama
9. susilo "based" yudhoyono
10. pengen ngenthu
11. joni
12. Bli gung
13. Pilti prenk
14. Maungnama
15. Anssen
16. Dimas-kun
17. Ortodoksnama
18. Cewe Lumpuh
19. Bapa kaban
20. Yozhman
21. Allah Swt
22. Boneka OPPO
23. Kak Seto

Cukup setuju. Kalo w sih pengen kita lomba pake /fsc/ aja namanya. Feses nickname kita, jadi agak ngga enak juga buat dipake tampil unjuk gigi. Seperti 4chan dipanggil half chong atau 4chink sih kesannya
Based on  >>/4196/. Kalo mau pake formasi 3-3-1-3

---Benrick (LWF)---Bli gung (CF)---Acan (RWF)
--------Zhang Purnama (AMF)--------
---Allah Swt (CMF)---Anssen (DMF)---Maungnama (CMF)
---Bernard Mahfouz (CB)---Cewe Lumpuh (CB)---Pilti prenk (CB)
--------Kak Seto (GK)--------

Anssen sekaligus captain dan player-manager

W pilih sesuai yg paling populer dan jadi image kita + yg gambarnya bisa diambil/mudah didapat buat dipajang

Terserah kalau mau koreksi susunan pemain, posisi pemain atau ganti formasi. Saran w siapin sebanyak-banyaknya formasi, terserah nanti mau pake yg mana buat jadi main formation. Posisi pemain cadangan menyusul. Kalau ada yg mau bikin, sok aja
Sorry inggris gw ngga terlalu bagus ini ada yang bisa jelasin ngga kit itu maksudnya nya gimana?

Sama gw tadi baca Wiki nya yang tentang player cards sama team strategis nya ngga nyambung gw

Jadi kalo ada yg bisa njelasin secara simpel mungkin nanti gw bisa bantu bikin formasinya
Bernard Mahfouz sama Zhang Purnama dijadiin deket aja gimana? Mungkin jadi sayap nya, soalnya kan mereka sama sama dari tokoh terkenal kita plesetin namanya, lebih afdol aja rasanya kalo mereka barengan
Kit itu jersey kita wan
Player cards tuh kayak informasi mengenai skill pemain kita dan role khusus nya, seperti ahli marking man atau striker tipe fox in the box. Nanti terserah kita mau buat pemain kita gimana kemampuan andalannya atau tugas khususnya dalam pertandingan
Team strategies selain formasi, ada instruksi yg bisa kasih buat tim kita. Misal, selalu nerapin offside trap dalam pertandingan atau wajib parkir bus total pas diserang

Kalau menurut perkataan OP, player cards dan strategies yg bentukannya instruksi itu opsional sih
Yang perlu kita lakuin buat ikut terlibat cuma no 1-5
Boleh. Cuma benrick w jadiin sayap kiri sebagai lelucon
Gimana kalo, acan di posisi maungnama
Maungnama di posisi bernard mahfouz
Bernard mahfouz di posisi acan
Kalo gitu gimana?
Holy based man, kalo w kenal lu dan rumah kita deketan bakal w traktir sumpah. Tambahin aja logonya OPPO dan Samsung. Logo PKI gapapa masih di situ. Bikin rusuh aja jersey nya jadi kayak papan iklan berjalan tim bola Indo
Ayo apa aja yang kita dapat
1. List pemain (✓|X)
2. Logo (✓|X)
3. Kit (✓|X)
4. Bikin thread di https://anon.cafe/icup/ (✓|X)
Guys kalo udah fix semua, langsung aja bikin thread ya di sana. Entara malah kita ditinggal lagi
Salam alaykum brothers. Please confirm your entry in this thread
Hey /fscchan/, an update after some radio silence. With /christian/'s voluntary recusal from the GCUP proper, we have 12 teams set to compete for the GCUP. As for the friendlies, the move by /christian/ gives us at least 10 willing participants, with a few more I'm waiting on for confirmation. I've decided to move entirely to joke/meme friendlies, since there wasn't interest in ones played under ICUP rules. We'll be determining the draw for the tournament before the end of this week. Since we have 12 teams, I've decided to move forward with 4 groups of 3 teams, with the top team in each advancing to the Knockout Bracket. This guarantees each team at least two games, and keeps the main tournament at a brief 16 games. We'll be padding the days out with the friendlies whose gimmicks will be determined at the same time as the GCUP draw. I doubt I'll be streaming it live, but I will at least record and post it on the match archive as soon as it's ready. Stay tuned!
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The groups have been drawn and are shown in pic related. You have been drawn into Group B with /otter/ and /japan/. Your matches are as follows:

vs. /otter/ - www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=2021-02-13T20:30:00
vs. /japan/ - https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=2021-02-14T20:30:00

The top two teams from each group advance to the Knockout Stage, to be played on February 21st. We'll be showing these matches on the 8cup cytube as usual. Tune in!
The GCUP Knockout Stage begins soon! The Quarterfinals are set to begin at 18:00 UTC (https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20210221T18), with the Semifinals set for 20:00 UTC, and the Final at 21:30 (https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20210221T2130). Catch it all at https://cytube.xyz/r/ICUP!
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ya kalo ada jago 3d modelling sama rigging, silahkan. gw sendiri cuman bisa ngasih weight pake blender buat 
mod gta sa itupun hasilnya amburadul.
1 menit sebelum pertandingan paling autis dimulai, semoga lawan kita nanti bukan low effort tohou animation.
kita dipertandingan ke dua awan, ayo bangun dan nobar awan goblok kalian semua kan neet yg gk mungkin sibuk
So sad you lost to the literal meme board, but also real happy you got to see the cup through to the end. I hope you guys will be joining us on future iterations too!
All of the matches from the GCUP can be found in this playlist: https://pt.neko.bar/videos/watch/playlist/f920ac2a-6e43-4d6c-8a5d-eba7ae61c170 

I've also got the highlight of Benrick's 360 header goal with the rock ball: https://anon.cafe/icup/res/2059.html#2379
And here's the "enhanced" version of the goal: https://anon.cafe/icup/res/2059.html#2380

Hope you guys had fun in the Cup.
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Hello, friends,
We're trying to build up the wiki for the Infinity Cup, given that the tournament is probably gonna be held somewhere around the middle of Summer, plus some intrepid anon is making a Baseball small league tournament.
We'd like to know more about your current roster, more specifically, could you add a picture/description of what each player is supposed to be? It would really help our 3D anons craft a better team.

Thanks in advance!
Hey friends
We're going to have another soccer cup soon and we'd really like it if you could come and join us. I'd like to see you guys play with us, too, but you should come over at https://anon.cafe/icup/res/2945.html and just tell us if you're interested.
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ICUP 7 is still being worked on, and progress is still steady, but we need your help. If you have a good PC enough to run PES 2017 and to stream it, or if you are willing to commentate, please contact us at anon.cafe/icup/. Currently we have three potential streamers, but the more the merrier.

In regards to your team, it is currently valid. For extra fun, I recommend uploading portrait images for each player (to replace the empty icons in the Game Plan view) here or preferably creating your roster page (https://infinitycup.miraheze.org/wiki//fscchan//Roster )
They will be square (transparency encouraged) and about 75x75px in game, so consider pictures that will look good when downsized.
You can also try and find 3D models in case we have extra time to add them.

Finally, if you are capable of doing 3D modelling, creating OC, working on the wiki or just helping in any way possible feel free to reach out as well.
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Only if you guys want to make changes. You can usethe same one from the GCUP too if you wish.
I also saw something about 3D models (this post in particular  >>/8306/) so if you want to help rig some models for your players you can do that too.
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The draw stream is going to happen on Friday this week, 18:00 UTC at https://cytu.be/r/infinitycup
The attached image shows the start time in various timezones (from https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?p1=1440&iso=20220812T18&msg=Draw%20Stream ). End time is unknown, but it should last an hour or two at least because it will be used to run test matches, and will probably fail catastrophically at some point.
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After a disastrous draw stream that started an hour late, we now have the group stage draw.

I'm not seeing any of the predicted rivalries. Group B appears to be the Group of Death.

Here is the test/draw stream, be warned that it starts off horribly due to a missing noise reducer on the microphone.
Fair warning, this is a PeerTube instance, so if the P2P bothers you then click My Settings on the left, then unselect "Help share videos being played" (you don't need to login). This isn't necessary for the stream, just the replay.
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Here is the schedule for this week's set of matches.

Your match against /ita/ ended in a 1-2 loss. If you're interested, here's the replay:
Starts at 16:00.
Starting in one hour. You'll be playing against /eris/ in the second match of the day.
Starting in one hour. You'll be fighting for your tournament lives against /film/ in the fourth match of the day.
Infinity Cup 7 is now complete! Congratulations to /eris/ who joins the ranks of champions as they defeated /japan/ 3-1 in the Final! Stay tuned for the award winners over at our /icup/ board.
Thank you to every anon who chipped in throughout the Cup, and thank you especially to all the anons who took the time to tune in. We'll see you in the next one!

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