thumbnail of YOU BELONG IN A GARBAGE CAN.jpg
thumbnail of YOU BELONG IN A GARBAGE CAN.jpg
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Acid Fag, your lack of self-awareness is astounding. Do you know why /gamergatehq/ lost nearly all of its users? It wasn't because of the assorted boogeymen you routinely blame, it was because of your rampant hotpocketry. I'd even go so far as to say that you were the worst board owner on all of 8chan. Even 8/pol/'s board owner is less of a hotpocket than you. You banned anyone who said something you didn't like or mentioned boycotts or went against your plans for GamerGate. You even went so far as to instigate a literally named "purge" of wrongthinkers. You then tried to justify your hotpocketry by claiming that the people you banned were "shills" or "revoltards". /gamergatehq/ started with 2000 users. Now it's lucky to stay above 100. You killed GamerGate's presence on 8chan, and you have your head too far up your ass to realize it.

And I haven't even gotten into how you're a degenerate faggot who likes to crossdress and get pegged. Delete system32 and become an hero, you worthless cunt.