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lake-of-fire55qq webp
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Christ Himself, the ultimate manifestation of GODHEAD of PERFECTION of OMNIPOTENT AND OMNISCIENT AND OMNIKNOWING says thus "Any who seek to enter the sheepfold except through the gate shall be called thieves and robbers" and they shall not enter heaven and instead be known as sons of perdition, thereby entering the lake of brimstone and fire upon the day of judgement. The ONLY way into an eternal Godlike stewardship of HIS creation is to confess Christ as Lord and submit to HIS rule over creation. There are some among you who follow Christ diligently however there are MANY among you whom refuse to do so, instead trusting in yourselves and your idols. I plea for the last time, if you are awake than secure your eternal soul by confessing Christ as Lord or else you will be punished more than the ignorant man or woman whom never knew Christ. If you knew or know me than you know Christ also, abide by me and you abide by Him and Our Father also.

I'm sorry to disrupt such a place with this but the time to decide which power you serve - Good (God) or evil (the adversary) is almost coming to an end.

The LORD GOD says "If you are not with me, than you are against me" Anything of the world, anything that is not of the vine of Christ & that if they are and do not bare fruit... All of those people will perish. I have served diligently trying to awaken people to the supernatural power and presence of God and for a time many would abide by me, though it took quite some battling to do so, now there are many among the flocks that seek to dissuade us from following God and also seek to sow division amongst us. This is a line I will not tolerate crossed and I will battle to the last man to keep the Heaven in our Hearts alive upon this planet, for the GLORY OF GOD!

I am a true and faithful servant of YahWah and will forbid any from claiming the throne of judgement from Him, The Fathers Throne is also the Throne of the Son.

If God does not permit this message and if He has not sent me to do His Work than I ask he make of me a public mockery at this time in order to dissuade any whom I might of misled.

If not I ask Him to RAISE UP and EXULT ME AND HIS PEOPLE in a way that GLORIFIES HIM.

Though as all ways "Father it is your will not mine."