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> I'm new to this side of the web and am really quite intrigued however worried that the state of "Gods" is becoming overpowered by people seeking their own ends and their own Kingdom, rather than that of THE GODS - THE I AM's Kingdom of Heaven.
We are seeking our own ends (our goals) and seeking our own Kingdom (our paradise).

> Please correct me if I am wrong, I am relevantly young in GodHood and would like some assurance that this board is committed to the furtherance of Christs Heavens and not our own power and God status.
This board is committed to our own power (as top level sovereign beings) and to reach full independent God status.

> I would rather be a meek man w/ out the power and understanding I have now if it meant still worshiping Christ as the One True God and Creator than be a God like deiform being and live without Him.
We prefer to be gods with full power and understanding. Ultimately, we want to become the eternal omnipotent God of All.

> I doubt you would punish me harshly, you are benevolent beings and as such seek to bring people to the understanding of Harmonygod and Freegod.
We are benevolent beings indeed.
HarmonyGod and FreeGod are names that I use. Currently I use 72 names. Approximately, 95% of the posts of this website are mine. 

You seem to be an intelligent and advanced Christian. Maybe what we posted it ( >>/689/) will help you in your ascension path.