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thumbnail of maxitronix-75-in-1-electronic-lab.jpg
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 >>/528/  >>/2358/

The new names are (2 more than the last time): WholeGod and SupremeGod. And some names changed place.

So, currently, I could use 75 (19+17+20+19) names (or combinations of them) in cycles of 16 days (hexadecimal), with at least 4 planned names per day (64+).

It's just all me! Just one harmoniously unified holistic me!
I am not a being with a limit; as it happen before, I can expand and use a lot more different names in the future.

Normally only one name/topic is posted in the estimated day from all listed names/topics of that day, except for CoreGod (whatever day) and BlissGod (daily).

Estimated day : name :: topic. thread

Day 1 : GodOfAll/GodGod               :: Absolutes.  >>/524/
      : QualityGod                    :: Quality.  >>/2373/
      : WholeGod                      :: Wholesome. (no thread yet)
      : MysticGod/MysticalGod         :: Spirituality.  >>/1930/
      : BeyondGod/BeyondOfGod         :: Questions.  >>/431/
      : AscendGod/AscensionGod        :: Ascension.  >>/761/
Day 2 : NewGod                        :: New.  >>/1383/
      : FutureGod                     :: Future.  >>/1362/
      : PowerGod                      :: Powerful.  >>/1488/
      : DevelopingGod                 :: Development.  >>/1597/
      : EntertainGod/EntertainmentGod :: Entertainment.  >>/1730/
Day 3 : ScheduleGod                   :: Schedule.  >>/1699/
      : MaintainGod/MainGod       :: Maintenance.  >>/1027/
      : PlanningGod/PlanGod           :: Planning.  >>/1026/
      : MachineGod                    :: Machines.  >>/1935/
Day 4 : HomeGod                       :: Home/Paradise.  >>/1364/
      : ProgrammingGod                :: Programming.  >>/1456/
      : ScienceGod                    :: Science.  >>/1385/
      : LogicalGod                    :: Logic.  >>/1566/

Day 5 : EnergyGod              :: Energy.  >>/817/
      : TimeGod                :: Time.  >>/1473/
      : LifeGod                :: Life.  >>/1491/
      : SourceGod              :: Source.  >>/1939/
Day 6 : BufferGod              :: Storage.  >>/1440/
      : CreatorGod             :: Creativity/Creation.  >>/1031/
      : PhysicGod/FisikGod     :: Physicality.  >>/1527/
      : UltimateGod            :: Knowing the limits.  >>/1738/
Day 7 : HarmonyGod/HarmGod :: Well-being.  >>/861/
      : PureGod/PurityGod      :: Purity.  >>/1035/
      : HealGod/HealingGod     :: Healing.  >>/1977/      
      : ChangeGod              :: Can change.  >>/1707/
      : PerceptionGod          :: Perception.  >>/1475/
Day 8 : ExpandGod/ExpansionGod :: Expansion.  >>/1352/
      : PreparationGod         :: Preparation.  >>/1945/
      : ExploreGod             :: Exploration.   >>/1494/      
      : ExternalGod            :: External.  >>/1681/

[continues in part 2]