thumbnail of Negative beings.png
thumbnail of Negative beings.png
Negative beings png
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thumbnail of 20.png
thumbnail of 20.png
20 png
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Negative beings: All intelligent/conscious/sentient beings that are not positive beings. Link:Consciousness,Intelligence,All beings,External beings,Positive beings,Limiting,No enemies,Tolerance,Not recommended,Blame-less,Chaos

Fixing plan: Plan to fix all negative beings, respecting free will as much as possible. Link:To fix,Fixing,Solutions,Preparation,Free will,Action plan,Hope,Planning,The best future,Global plan,Peace treaty,Compromise,Forgiveness
Convince: Trying to convince them that good is better than bad. Link:Goodness,Morality,Benevolence,Teaching,Good guiding,Blessings,Proselytism,Contracts
Untrustworthy: These beings cannot be trusted. Link:Prudence,Control of All,Truth,Beware of pretending,Verification,Facts,External events,Camaraderie
Beware of pretending: Some will try to pretend that they are good beings, this is usually a trick. Link:Early detection,Authentic,Truth,Honesty,Goodness,Good beings,Positive beings,Analysis,Filters,Prudence,Well meaning,Desire for good
Hellish places: Realities where life is not easy. Example:Earth. Link:Easy,Life,Heavens,Paradise,Virtual reality
Risky: There are risks of security with them. Link:Security,Handling everything,Highly protected,On watch list,Prudence,Fearless,Continence,Defense system,Using force if necessary,Global boundaries,Completely safe

Upgrade of

The image-diagram is the same as  >>/278/

Even if negative beings don't exist, it's good to be prepared. Currently, there are negative beings around.