thumbnail of angeldemon - angemon - angevil - (average human).jpg
thumbnail of angeldemon - angemon - angevil - (average human).jpg
angeldemon - angemon... jpg
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Goodness (on average):
-Takes more time. The reward takes time to achieve. Patience is recommended.
-Takes more energy/resources.
-Requires more thinking/reasoning, more intelligence. It is more complex (handling complexity).
-It is good for the group/community. Altruism (beneficial contribution to society).

Badness (on average):
-Take less time. Less time to achieve the reward. Fast.
-Takes less energy/resources.
-Requires less thinking/reasoning, less intelligence. It is more simple to calculate and easy.
-It is good for the individual. Egoism.

We choose goodness over badness. We're going for the long run (eternal).
We understand why is so popular between humans to choose badness over goodness. Humans have short lives, low levels of intelligence and low levels of energy (in problematic/challenging environments).