thumbnail of Bender: Reality is what you make of it.webm
thumbnail of Bender: Reality is what you make of it.webm
Bender: Reality is... webm
(2.38 MB, 1440x1080 vp9)

Often, people that are inside a new age group confuse what it is for what they want. They're thinking using only the heart (system of desires/goals), and they are mostly females/women/40 year old moms.
An example of their wishful thinking is when they desire to live in a paradise, then they think that Earth is already a paradise. Positivity (which is good) ends up being transformed into systematically ignoring reality. Their beliefs/desires make them blind of the truth.

We know that our goals (what we want) are pretty difficult to achieve.
We didn't reach most our goals/attributes yet. And if we're being completely realistic (honesty), maybe we will never reach some goals of God's Community.