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>  >We desire to be God
> The original sin.
Most Christian believe that original sin is:
"Original sin is the Christian doctrine that humans inherit a tainted nature and a proclivity to sin through the fact of birth." From
Coincidentally I posted about it:  >>/699/

>  >If in the definition of God, God has to be truly omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent (as Christian theology says), then I believe that God never existed, God doesn't exist and God will never exist.
>  That's called atheism. You're an atheist that fantasizes about being a comic book character with super-powers.
Atheists can form part of our group as it is explained here:  >>/539/, but our default believe system about an external God is agnosticism as it is explained here  >>/520/.
We have a different definition of God than Christianity, so we are God (we try to be the God of All) as I explained in this thread. We don't seek external salvation as I posted today:  >>/710/

> Something tells me, even if Jesus himself appeared to you, you'd not be happy about it because you desire to worship yourself, not God.
We try to be happy in every moment even if things don't go our way (eternal bliss  >>/508/  >>/511/).
We talk about worshiping here:  >>/673/

I'm glad that you keep posting stuff, it is really helpful in order to make more clear what God's Community is. Mostly, your thread is just an extension of  >>/689/