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Tips (recommended ideas) to achieve successful goodness in all your actions:

Well meaning
First to any moral action is to have a good/benevolent intention/desire (heart).
If there isn't a good intention, then it is an automatic/unconscious action or an evil action. It is recommended to be always awake and to have nothing unconscious. 

It's not enough to have a good intention (well meaning,goodness) and do nothing about it, the difficult part is to be good for real in practice (beneficial), that's the real goal.

Moral ways
The way all moral actions are done is important too. The correct methodology to do the implementation of moral theory into moral practice is a must in order to reach the desirable highest good in every action.

It is required to have advanced intelligence in order to be have a clear notion (clarity) of what it has to be done in morality. Morality is very complex and it requires high consciousness to handle successfully all its complexity (handling complexity).

To get the correct decision to any moral dilemma in a reasonable time, is highly recommended to use a fast and wise decision making system, because, usually, there are a lot of possible actions that could be done (all possibilities), if we take into account all precise small details, therefore it is required some abstraction (global globalization).
It is also recommended to predict quickly the best probable future, to know what it's going to happen before doing anything. You can use your imagination for that purpose.

Doing it
It's not enough just to think about it. It has to be done for real with all the necessary details. Sometimes it requires to be brave (bravery) as well, because it could be a controversial action.
Please note that sometimes, the recommended action is to do nothing.

Being a good being (good beings) requires a lot of energy. On average, it requires more energy than walking the evil path (bad beings).
So, just do what you can, because you have to reserve energy to yourself (self-preservation,never depletion).

Sometimes you can do nothing or not enough about a moral situation because the lack of necessary energy/resources, lack of the necessary level of consciousness, not skilled enough, not enough relevant info,... Please, don't be hard on yourself.

If you did successfully any moral action, you can be proud of it, congratulations!
If apply, the responsible thing to do (responsibility) is to fix all moral actions that go wrong (if that is possible); also, to get all the learning lessons in order to not repeat failures (handling failure,improvement).
