thumbnail of 1920px-Government_debt_gdp-1-1024x614.png
thumbnail of 1920px-Government_debt_gdp-1-1024x614.png
1920px-Government_deb... png
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first of all: you said "use their currency" but now you come up with an different subject

so debt? I recognise this argument because it's basically the same we have always raised against the most common creditors, specially to the third world, that is the IMF and WB upon which the U.S. and its jewish banksters hold greater control so it's quite surprising for you to accuse "specially china" of such practice when the wealthy west has been doing that for a long time (decades, not "since recent years" as you claim)

second, about that map: i found this that shows the overall debt/GDP percentage of the world. comparing the two maps is useful to see how much % of overall debt is actually owed to china vs that owed to other countries. mentally subtracting the two i reckon in most of those countries the debt to china is not the largest fraction (note that this is likely an understatement because this data is from 2 years earlier and debt/gdp has been rising)

third, about that quote: the term was coined by an Indian "security" commentator and plastered all over the U.S. media so it's very easy to suspect propagandistic motives, specially that idea of "geostrategic pressure". an important part of the debt that many of these countries have with china (including mine) is not due to borrowed cash, but due to infrastructure (like roads, railways, dams, ports, bridges) being built by china on credit. when a country fails to pay back those works, what i have seen happen is not that they get "geostrategic pressure" but that the operation license reverts to the partnering company in the chinese side until the default situation is reversed
also various countries have denied that they have been "trapped"