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thumbnail of Sephirot.png
Sephirot png
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 >>/780/  >>/784/

Kabbalah (Hebrew: קַבָּלָה‎ Qabālā, literally "reception, tradition" or "correspondence" ) is an esoteric method, discipline and school of thought in Jewish mysticism.
They had a lot of ideas that are similar to us, for example: The Sephirot.
The Sephirot are the ten emanations and attributes of God with which he continually sustains the existence of the universe:
Keter - "Crown": Divine Will to create. We have: Divine,God's desire,God's goal,Will power,Creation.
Chokhmah (Hokhmah) - "Wisdom". We have: Wisdom.
Binah - "Understanding". We have: Understanding.
Da'at - "Knowledge". We have: All important knowledge.
Chesed (Hesed) - "Kindness". We have: Kindness.
Gevurah - "Severity": Strength/discipline/judgment/withholding/awe of God. We have: Strength,Justice,Forced isolation,Using force if necessary.
Tiferet (Tif'eret) - "Beauty". We have: Beauty.
Netzach - "Eternity". We have: Eternal.
Hod - "Splendor". We have: Awesome,Excellent.
Yesod - "Foundation": Connecting to the task to accomplish/wholly remembering/coherent knowledge. We have: Implementation,Energetic translation,Integrity.
Malkuth - "Kingship": We have: Supreme authority.

Also, like in the Sephirot, we use a diagram for our attributes with connections in our version 3 of God's Community ( >>/423/), but a lot more complex.