Welcome to >>>/h4x0r/ H4X0R. This is board is for Hackers, Crackers, Leakers, InfoSec Adds, Ski11z etc.

1) Follow the Global Rules.
2) No doxing or harasment of private citizens. Keep that on >>>/baphomet/.
3) No child exploitation material.
4) No Spam
5) Have Fun! Happy Hacking

Acceptable Content:
- Post links to hacking and cracking tutorials, and how to's in the sKi11Z section.
- Share tips and techniques in sKi11Z.
- Post adds for your hacker services or solicitations for hacker services in the 4ddZ section. 99% of these are usually phishing by Law Enforcement. 
- Post leak documents in the 134KZ section.  Classified documents will be removed. 
- You tell me what you want in M3T4 and We'll work it out.
- Fi13z mp3,pdf,mp4,webm,txt,etc. Assume that they are spiked and act accordingly.
- Start your own thread and discuss a hacking topic that interests you.

-I am not a cracker, don't ask me for help.
-Freedom of speech is generally accepted.
-I will provide gentle moderation.
-Illegal/Unlawful material will be removed upon request if I am prompted by a detailed explaination.
-If you don't like it then go to >>>/baphomet/ or start your own board.