SymbOS live internet session: Chat + BattleShip!
Duration  : 05:44
Published : 09 Jul 2015
EdoZ and Prodatron did a peer to peer internet session on their MSX Z80 homecomputers with the network daemon
running in SymbOS, playing Battleship by EdoZ, Symple Messenger by Trebmint&EdoZ (both are Unify apps) and
SymTel by Prodatron. It's the first time we were recording the session from both sides and put them together in
one video.
- Unify IDE: Trebmint
- Battleship: EdoZ
- Sympel Messenger: Trebmint, EdoZ
- SymbOS, Network Daemon, SymTel: Prodatron/SymbiosiS