Quigs Function coding Tutorial
73 views•Jul 4, 2020 8Bit Maniac
"A demonstration of how to create a simple function in code for Symbos using the Quigs IDE. Its easy to create applications for Symbos using the Quigs language and IDE. Here I show how to code two simple little functions we can call to get results"

Coding the Open & Save file dialog with the menu bar in Quigs.
47 views•Jul 5, 2020 8Bit Maniac
"A quick tutorial on how to use the open & save file dialogs to create and save files called via using the menubar. Quigs for Symbos coding demonstration"

CPC Basic vs Quigs Language. What's quickest...
24 views•Jul 4, 2020 8Bit Maniac
"There's only one way to find out... FIGHT! Yes a simple test of speed between  Amstrad CPC Basic and Quigs language."