The wipe was from a fuckup on the admin of the sites behalf. It was not intentional (lets hope lol) . he was moving the server to another host and restarted his comp because he ran an update while migrating .All images and files where corrupted and so I deleted all the threads and archived them because an archive snapshot and a thread with no images is the same thing. But I should make a new thread to dig with your updated info its important.

Thanks for the info but are you alright man? Use opsec of course but what happened to you? I hope it was not related to the shit you have been saying. I recall you said you have been sra'd since infancy why did they attack you? I will pray for you and I encourage everyone reading to aswell. Thanks for the kind words and BE SAFE!!! God did not keep you alive this long for nothing WE HAVE TO EXPOSE THESE CLOWNS AND IF ONE OF US FALLS HOPEFULLY 4 ANONS WILL TAKE OUR PLACE. Your gonna be fine man if it was really like that they would have come at you already they can't interfere with a movement of god.

I thank you for the kindness and My heart goes out to you anon stick in there!!!