Ideally what we need is to outlaw freemasonry as collusion and crime syndicate. Then to keep there tradition alive allow a masonic re-enactment society that they will have to allow the public to view. The oaths would have to be broken to retain citizenship. 

Start using the word inclusive when discussing and planting seeds in liberals minds. They are an exclusive white male society that dominates and controls culture and hates gay and trans people.

Every (no longer tax exempt) lodge must have a woman or a minority or a trans person to sit on a throne that is open to the public while they do their public meetings where all kinds of undesirables would then try to loiter around to network with what masons are left. people making petty drug deals in the corners while they read their minutes. Public masonic re-enactment society lodges will be the place for liberals to debate politics with the white dominator culture. They will have their liberal trash shoved in their throats like an ourobouros.