thumbnail of example letterhead (fake photoshop).png
thumbnail of example letterhead (fake photoshop).png
example letterhead... png
(53.82 KB, 600x134)
This is not the letterhead but I wanted to make something to know what to look for and to keep me motivated. Like a memetic goal 

So a photocopied masonic letterhead would look something like this minus the rabbit of course. I blacked out the address because its from a masonic letterhead from the phillipeans I found on a image search. but I am assuming it would look something like this maybe a full page or something. I also tried to find the original post and I did find the thread from the screenshot where he talks about sucking old man dick. On there is an archive of a thread and someone is asking about the leterhead. Apparently it has to do with some kind of touring thing. Or some kind of farm tours. So there is a thread where the post originated I don't think its archived.