> The British concept is more of an aristocratic breeding program, as well as maintaining a racial caste system.

Well sounds exactly like Lebensborn.

I haven't seen all the tenants of this Positive Christianity but it's a state religion made up not to oppose party rhetoric and more focused on 'race' than on God. 
Gal 3:18
"there is not here Jew or Greek, there is not here servant nor freeman, there is not here male and female, for all ye are one in Christ Jesus;" 
Just because people held to fleshly sentiments of racism doesn't mean that's what our Father wants. Before messiah came it might've some justification as to not pollute messianic line with "fey blood" but while I wouldn't consider mating with otherworldly beings okay now it's not important to stay away from other humans just because they might have some genes from the fallen.
> why it's not good to be unequally yoked together

"Become not yoked with others — unbelievers, for what partaking [is there] to righteousness and lawlessness? and what fellowship to light with darkness? and what concord to Christ with Belial? or what part to a believer with an unbeliever"
Belivever and unbeliever not of this or that race. Good chunk of OT is about foreign women leading their husbands astray towards idolatry.