Christian Identitarianism is really grasping onto straws, trying to make every European race into some ancestor with the racial Judahites (which officially stopped existing after the destruction of Herod's temple according to a proper Christian Eschatology) and although there technically was some intermingling of Judahites among the Greeks, it's still not really something to pride yourself to associate the Greeks as Israelites when the Israelites had done various terrible things, destroying every culture that they've come across. All Christians are proselytes. Thinking that there is something special with the Judahite lineage after the destruction of the temple is illogical. This is the whole endless genealogy thing. I don't agree with Calvinists and other Protestants that think that their own children are saved by default just because their parents are both Christians. Christian Identitarians are ultimately hypocrites that deny the spiritual and physical jew while forgetting that there are no more Judahites just as there's no more Israelites. Christianity is Jesus' attempt to destroy the Pharisaic hegemony by turning it into an inclusive theocracy, had instead become a tool by the Pharisees against all peoples in the modern era, while Christianity became a syncretic cult which was technically allowed through abusing "Church Canon" which a church determines its own opinions/dogma/doctrines however it likes and just merely pretending it's biblical despite heavily relying on Platonic and Aristotelian logic to make the 

A wise fool knows the metaphysical truth but doesn't seek to set up a proper epistemological system based off of the extrapolation of wisdom itself through experimentation testing said principles to see if the implications based off of wisdom (which makes it episteme which isn't gnosis) is verified to remain true, for what remains to be true is absolute while what no longer remains true never was true to begin with. Indo Aryan/Hindu monism like original buddhism (neovedanta) and advaita vedanta knew how to return to heaven, so to speak, but they've also thought of seeking to improve upon existential life as a sort of an illusory attachment. Pythagoreans and Plato would instead promote proportionality and harmony in how they sought to improve not only their understanding of what is real but also how to properly interact in this world from the standpoint of the divine via proodos and ananke. For example, knowing the metaphysics behind taking a photo by itself isn't helpful if you also don't know about how to find and use better tools to take the photo. Just because you can make art doesn't mean the artifice means nothing. Knowing how to use the tools takes training and experience, which also means you can then know how to pick the right tools and understand the quality of the tools you're using and how it is expressed from you to the tool to the art. There always is something that can be perfected in reality, but nothing within manifest reality would ever be a one to one expression of what you seek to manifest. It's usually at a ratio of one to phi as one over phi.