The capacity of understanding timeless truths in a truly metaphysical context is indeed indirectly correlated to IQ, but not strictly bound to racially inherited IQ, for you can unironically have 200+ IQ yet not understand ancient monistic metaphysics in its many different expressions. Chris Langan for example, doesn't quite seem to get that "as below so above" is not "as above so below", while he thinks that his "CTMU" can work with any religion while at the same time denying that atheists (specifically metaphysical atheists) and their atheistic religions are incompatible which is technically true, but I don't think he gets how much of modern buddhism is not buddhism as well as various other religions are not necessarily true, while he also believes in a heaven or hell thing in the Christian sense which many religions deny. Anyways, just because there was an "Aryan race" doesn't mean that those with the Aryan DNA can readily understand the philosophy of their elite ancestors. People don't really understand the reason why the west became mostly materialistic soul denying shits and no it's not merely the blame of the Jews. Aristotle has more to do with this spiritual-racial degeneration of the descendants of the Aryans that most people are willing to admit to, assuming that they really understand the refutation against all the falsehoods that Aristotle espoused to his stupid followers. However, it's another thing for people to accept a foreign religion to begin with and it can't merely be for tradition's sake since it's an abandonment of their own tradition for a foreign one so there would have had some form of rational reason for the acceptance of a different religion, some truth is mixed with lies to make a cultural conversion possible. What that might be is really a more materialistic reinterpretation of the Christian bible with some deceptive forgery as explained here:[/youtube] and also the spread of Aristotelian philosophy which is what the Catholics used to deny multiple literal gods although those very Catholics deny the spiritual aspects of Odin as explained here:youtube]3C9yvEOT45I [ And then came along Protestantism that had clarified a lot of the nonsense Catholics had set up in their own syncretic reinterpreted mess but since by the advent of Protestant sects, most of Europe was exposed to some form of Christianity. There are ultimately two types of pagans: those that take a strict literal interpretation, and those that take a nondualistic approach in using their own religion to convey as well as extract from it absolute timeless wisdom concerning various things, from proving the reality of the soul, the necessity of the divine principle, a social-racial hierarchy based on merit but not on money, letting anyone that could understand the truth a chance to be exposed to it, even the noble way to kill people without harboring hatred, being apathetic, evil, etc., of which I most certainly won't discuss how(most of you won't be able to anyways), but will say that real hatred burns the soul and so will shorten your life, no exceptions.