First of all, the way one should look at the bible is how one also should look at Hinduism in general, for "Judaism" is really what a collective of thoughts that a race had brought together to form their own culture, which in any culture there is some borrowing of concepts which is inevitable. Hinduism isn't a specific religion, so neither is Judaism. The Jews themselves had deviated from the Bible and formed their own narrative independent of the narrative of the Old Testament and 1st Maccabees (it's probably the only apocryphal book that has some historical worth, all the rest of the apocryphal, deuterocanonical books have dubious inconsistencies and potential forgery). There is however, a claim made by Protestant scholars that there is a general cohesive underlying narrative to the 66 books of the old and new testament bible unlike the apocryphal books and the Talmud, Zohar, etc., so now one could say that it had diverged into various branches. Academia do note that there's generally four competing narratives within the old testament books at least, but the New Testament only promotes one of the four narratives, yet the development of early Christianity had adopted a different narrative before eventually implementing Hellenic metaphysics to make sense of it all. Second, only the observant would realize that there has been a gradual change of narrative or a sense of "development" of how the Israelites and the Judahites collectively believed in, from say denying a physical resurrection to believing a physical resurrection, as well as from believing in one God to believing a tripartite God as God the Spirit, God the Soul/"Father", God the Man/"Son"/Image of God. They were approaching towards something that they themselves don't fully comprehend, a "mystery" that various other cultures had already understood and expanded upon the eternal wisdom behind reality itself, but their approach towards it is really a means to "take over the world" which their approach is very malevolent in the eyes of other people despite how they think that they're doing the right thing, their good is just not the same good as how other people think of that approximation to emulating the good that we all seek to perfect, to "evolve" in a sense.