Jews hate any foreign cult, you just hear lots of it because Jews tolerate Christians yet also hate them. They are in a perpetual state of dualistic cycles (not necessarily cognitive dissonance, many are aware that identity is meaningless) as the means to accelerate their goals in an utterly materialistic, practical sense in trying to become the "master race" by bringing everybody down into putting everyone into a genetic blender and so creating the means to set up a "master race" by first creating a "slave race". The thing is, any culture that promotes a hierarchy seek to form their own concept of harmony and peace which the means to it is different. Tribal feudalism and infighting with other tribes for example, wasn't good for the people, so tribes form alliances in forming a nation, which Israel is far from being the first to do this. The Jewish approach is simply invoking any concept that any Jew among them had promoted in antiquity or on Twitter to keep on being alive within the world in appealing to other people, so one day they would say one thing to one person and another day they would say another thing to another person. They don't truly seek after creating or maintaining order, they only seek after temporary order for temporary gain, at least in a general sense which all generalizations are generally true. The means to it doesn't matter to them. They are ultimately ignorant fools that pride themselves in knowing nothing because all they think that they know is based on lies that sometimes happens to be true and sometimes treated to be a truth when really they're just tired of political stuff, they just want to get what they want in the end. They think like how modern psychologists think: find any fucking excuse, blame it on that, give them drugs to keep them stupid and eventually succumb to the toxins in the drugs. Jews are just one form of materialistic cults. another form is seen in modern buddhism. Many Jews become buddhists and never truly change, they are just as evil as they were prior to learning about buddhism since they love the idea of there being no soul when really all forms of modern buddhism is based on a deliberate mistranslation. Many Asian cultures that had been duped by virtually any surviving sect of buddhism doesn't believe in helping others, doesn't believe in doing anything except waiting for death by starving to death, thinking that enlightenment is literally nothing and other blatant fallacies. Tibetian Buddhism is like Catholicism: the Dalai Lama is their Pope, just utterly retarded.