There are Jews that are so called "self hating Jews" that are politically and spiritually denying any sense of their Jewishness. Gilad Atzmon for example is a Jew that had given up his Jewish identity, moved to the UK and denounced his Israeli citizenship, yet he can't not think like a Jew for he's a "Humanist" with somewhat liberal values in not giving a fuck about people's sexual orientations not being reflective of their physical biology. He tries to deprive himself of being a Jew in every part of his life as possible, yet he still longs for a sense of identity which he had sort of did become a secular humanist, he still can't escape the bullshit he sought to disassociate himself from. That's the actual curse of Jewish identity: it's not dependent on what the individual thinks, for identity is relational to culture and race, of which they identity him as a "self hating Jew" as means to justify all the crap Jews do to others, even against themselves, which Atzmon is well aware of that. https://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/2018/9/19/from-bibi-to-herzl