1.0. 1620 - 1789: Red man vs white man, Christendom vs paganism, and civilization vs. savagery.

2.0. 1790 - 1860: Naturalization Act of 1790 limits naturalization to white people of good character. Andrew Jackson’s racial expulsion of Native Americans [1829-1837]. American Colonization Society founded [1816] to repatriate blacks to Africa. Liberia declares independence [1847]. Manifest destiny, westward expansion. Rise of communism in Europe and defeat of the 1848 Revolutions leads to the immigration of many elite communist intellectuals from Europe to America. These communist intellectuals contribute to the rise of the abolition movement as serious challenge to white supremacy.

3.0. 1860 - 1881: White man vs black man, Abraham Lincoln, Civil War. Liberia has its independence recognized [1862]. Reconstruction, segregation, Jim Crow, KKK.

4.0. 1882 - 1919: Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. Decline of Anglo-Protestants in favor of Germans, Irish, Italians, Slavs, and Ashkenazim. American racial imperialism throughout the Americas and the Pacific with the Spanish-American War [1898] and Philippine American War [1899-1902]. Eugenics movement pioneered by Madison Grant and Lothrop Stoddard, endorsed by Teddy Roosevelt. KKK endorsed by Woodrow Wilson. Marcus Garvey’s “Back to Africa” movement [1914-1919]. Last era of mainstream “absolutist” white supremacy.

5.0. 1920 - 1941: American Isolationist movement, America First Movement, German-American Bund, Silver Shirts, Father Coughlin, American anti-semitism. Absolutist white supremacy becomes an opposition movement to the mainstream. Mainstream maintains “separate but equal” attitude toward segregation. Creation of Social Security [1935] as move toward the eventual racial wealth-redistribution of the welfare state.

6.0. 1941 - 1963: Civil Rights Struggle, the geopolitics of Francis Parker Yockey, the anti-Christian philosophy of Revilo P. Oliver, the “Searchlight” media empire of Willis Carto, the street activism of George Lincoln Rockwell’s American Nazi Party, McCarthyism, John Birch Society. Racism as a hindrance in the war against communism.

7.0. 1964- 1979: Lyndon B. Johnson’s “Great Society” [1964], Passage of 1965 Hart-Cellar Act, Passage of Affirmative Action under JFK. Housing and Urban Development, Assassination of George Lincoln Rockwell [1967], Assassination of MLK [1968], Skokie March, James Mason. Racism as the domain of kooks and criminals.

8.0. 1980 - 1990: Reagan Era, George Bush senior, William Piece, National Alliance, Tom Metzger, “Race and Reason” on public cable access, White Aryan Resistance. Success of the conservative movement and “dog whistling.”

9.0. 1990 - 1995: End of the Cold War, Ross Perot and Pat Buchanan campaign [1992], Ruby Ridge [1992], Waco Siege [1993], Oklahoma City Bombing [1995], Unabomber [1995]. Chaos and violence in the wake of the cold war. Failure of the conservative movement in the Clinton Era. Assault weapons ban [1994].

10.0. 1995 - 2010: Age of the internet, Stormfront, David Duke and Don Black, Ron Paul movement, American Renaissance, Jared Taylor. Movements boom which grow to influence WN: 9/11 Conspiracy Movement, leftist Anti-Israel Movement, leftist Fair Trade movement, leftist anti-globalist movement, Libertarian Ron Paul movement. Introduction of Section 8 Housing.

11.0. 2010 - 2020: Obama era, MGTOW, Gamer Gate, HBD, 4chan, Richard Spencer, Andrew Anglin, Mike Enoch, Identity Europa, Counter-Currents, Fashwave, the Trump Movement. Beginning of European Migrant Crisis. 12.0. 2020 - future: determined by the success or failure of Trump in 2020 elections.