There's something that I call "popular science" and "celebrity scientists." I'm sure you've seen those trashy science TV shows or magazines that just repeat the same basic facts in a sensationalist manner to make the watchers feel like they're smart. Celebrity scientists do the exact same thing, and they often appear on those shows. Neil deGrasse Tyson, Stephen Hawking, that asian guy, Bill Nye... they are entertainers before scientists. Basically people with no real knowledge of science watch these shows and then whenever someone tries to disagree with something on them they all come out of the woodworks and go "i saw it on tv so it must be true." As a result many scientific theories becomes a sort of religion with "true believers" that don't actually understand the theory, but will defend it to death. Dark matter, dark energy, and string theory are perfect examples of this. They get shilled all over the place, so normies believe it.