Okay, so after looking through a bunch of stuff and being a soundfag, had to check up on some things.

Turns out, the LRAD stuff is being used and abused. The large bangs were being set off for funsies in certain areas, which doesn't always include fireworks. A majority of these sounds were tests/ accidents that were completely uncalled for, spanning the entire continent ALONGSIDE the fucking fireworks. It's not just a PSY OPs, it's also an irritant; something to get people to call the cops instead of looking into it themselves.

Starting looking into stuff like Aztec Death Whistles, Operation Wandering Souls, unexplained sounds, LRADs, etc. and found out that this is just them getting people to not riot by using these.

Honestly it would be easier to go out and spread the virus than it would be to get involved in riots/ etc. obligatory fuck that shit