Whatever truth your exploration of your memories has to it, I think where you have gone wrong is that you are overstating what you have gleamed through introspection as truth, and it sounds very much like you have been reading lots of online articles or blogs from 'Christian therapists' which are very broad in their diagnosis of an SRA victim.

Commonly these pages list signs that you or someone else is one, but the list will heavily apply to almost everyone reading because each symptom is vague and common. A lot of the symptoms listed on these pages could perhaps be associated with MKUltra influence on the broader scale, through the media and education system, but reading through these types of pages might give one the impression that they, and everyone around them, is a victim of direct SRA.

What I think, and call this my own paranoia, but it is just a speculation: a lot of these sites are MKUltra tools. They potentially create victims through causing an already emotionally distressed reader (as many of us are in the modern age) to over think and project the authors suggestions on to their memories.

Just my thoughts, but leave a margin of doubt. Memories are a funny thing. Sometimes they can be an exact recollection of real, material events, and sometimes they can be distorted over time or through self suggestion.