thumbnail of don't you open up that window don't you let out that antidote.mp4
thumbnail of don't you open up that window don't you let out that antidote.mp4
don't you... mp4
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Drugs aren't relevant here. They only make it easier to get whisked into hyperspace.

Watch 2015 documentary Nightmare. People with sleep paralysis report buzzing sound (pineal gland vibrating?) and flying through colors/geometric patterns before they end up in the 'dream' which means that it probably isn't a normal dream at all but some liminal state where some things that want to screw with us reside or can enter.

I don't know the details of how this works but every occult branch has some form of ritual for altering your state of consciousness. Whether it is from turning around like dervishes, rhytmic shaking like in some muslim sects, long chanting of buddhist sutras or catholic rosaries, advanced yoga, deeper states of meditation, psychotropic drugs/shooms, tantric sex, sensory deprivation or switching from lucid dream state into astral travel - the goal is reaching the altered state of consciousness where you can meet these entities or getting infested with them straight away. This is the illumination I think - coming in direct contact with those higher intelligences and allowing them to lent you their talents for their control over you, that or jacking yourself right into their hivemind supercomputer idonteven thingamajig.
Read that person's story attentively and understand what he had to go through to get out of it. Once the doors are open they're not easily shut. What is even worse, if we were to trust the lore of familiar spirits etc., these things will haunt your family line for generations.