^ After years of seeing all sorts of smaller edits using this footage, I finally discovered this source vid this week. If you like fine art, please watch it in full, it is eight minutes of unbroken kino. It gets a bit heavy at the end, not appropriate for kids. If you don't like old art, no worries, I was just chuffed this week to have finally found this thing.


I had a great week. There are a bunch of different little fixes and improvements this week, and the tag sort dropdown is now easier to use.

tag sort

Rather than a big list, the tag sort dropdown is now a dynamic control that splits the different variables (sort type, asc/desc, group by) into different mini-dropdowns that show and hide when available. Confusing labels like 'lexicographic' and 'ignore namespace' are replaced with clean 'sort by tag/subtag/count'. I hope it is a bit easier to work with now. Give it a go and let me know what you think.

If you don't like your default tag sort, you can set it under options->tags. Your existing default should be converted to the new format on update.

I also added the option to sort by sibling text or the actual tag text when you have the manage tags dialog open.

There is more work to do. One thing I don't like is if, say, on the asc/desc dropdown, you have 'a-z' selected, you can hover your mouse over and scroll down to get 'z-a', but you can't scroll up to get it. I prefer to have scroll work like 'flip' when there are only two values, where either scroll direction will make a change, so I'll figure that out, and in the file sort/collect controls, so there is even less to think about when you edit. I'll also see about saving the tag sort in the session.

I also updated the back-end of tag sorting here, so it'll be easier to update in future. Some users have asked for custom namespace sorts (e.g. creator, character, series, then the rest (a-z), then unnamespaced), so I'd like to start thinking about that properly.


As some users have not realised they were getting a big session that was lagging them, the client now makes a once-per-boot gentle warning popup if your session exceeds 500k weight. If you cannot conveniently reduce your session size, you can turn this warning off under options->gui pages.

Subscriptions now work more efficiently with a very small 'first run' file limit and a larger 'normal' file limit. Previously, the second run was often charging right through the handful of files caught on first sync and getting more than it should, but now it should better recognise it has 'caught up' and stop at the right position.