
I had a great three weeks working on long overdue network updates. Most of the changes this week restore old account management UI for server admins, but there are a couple of fixes and improvements for regular users as well.

The network version goes up to 20 today. Clients and servers can only talk to each other if they are on the same version, so if you want to talk to the PTR, you will want to update at some point. No rush, but if you try to talk to the server on an older client, you will get a polite error message.

regular user stuff

On review services, you can now pause repository account sync, update downloading, and update processing separately. If you don't want to process right now but still want the client to be grabbing update files for later, or you want to pause all service network traffice for a while but still process your backlog, it should now be easy to set up.

I fixed an annoying bug where going from 'random' file sort to one with asc/desc sort order by loading a favourite search would always default the asc/desc to the top value. Guess what hydev's default sort is.

Server administrators can now set messages to accounts. If you get a message, your client should get the update within a day or two, at which point it will appear in a popup box and be viewable on review services.

Server administrators can now set some account types to be user-creatable--no need to mess around with registration keys or access keys yourself, the client can fetch them for you from the server. A new button on the manage services edit panel checks this and can do it for you. I understand the PTR is likely to move to this in future for accounts with sibling and parent petition permissions, since grouping these by account will be useful for janny petition workflow. Having separate accounts for these complicated uploads will also allow better account management (including the above rudimentary messaging) for users who make common errors with sibling or parent submissions.

I believe I fixed a bug in repository processing that caused some newer users to get stuck with siblings and other data that was later deleted. This should not happen again, and I am now planning ways to efficiently fix the problem retroactively. (If you were hit by this and want the non-efficient fix, hit 'reset processing->reprocess content' for the repo under review services).

Some users recently got some scary errors about an invalid repository update file. This was the result of the client becoming confused about which update files it should have for a repository. I am still investigating why this happened, but to fix the immediate issue I have added a maintenance routine (under the new review services->reset downloading) that triggers a full resync of update metadata and delete surplus records. This function will fire automatically in future if the service encounters borked update files of any kind. If you got these errors, please try firing it and let me know how you get on.