- client api additions:
- the client api has a new /manage_headers/set_user_agent call, which is a simple hack for now for external programs to set the 'Global' User-Agent. it should allow for some CloudFlare solutions when just copying cookies is not enough
- the client api has a new /get_services call, which talks about more services and also exposes service_keys for the first time, which are likely to be useful in future. check out the help for an example. the old /add_tags/get_tag_services call is now deprecated, please move to the new call
- the client api /version call now responds with 'hydrus_version' as well, which this week will be 441
- the client api now has a semi-experimental /manage_database/lock system, just like the server's. a new 'manage database' permission is added for this. don't play around with this system idly.
- the client api should now support sha256 hash parameters if they start with a type prefix like 'sha256:0123789abcdef...'
- the client and server's database lock commands now wait up to five seconds for the database to finish disconnecting to respond
- expanded client api unit tests to cover the above
- the client api version is now 17
- .
- boring multiple local file services work:
- the main search object now stores the file domain using a new 'location context' object that will in future hold multiple file services and can say whether we should search files currently in a domain, or those once deleted from it. a variety of back-end search code has been updated to deal with this more flexible situation
- removed more static references to the single 'my files' domain in db and related code. in a couple places, like mr. bones, it now fetches 'all local files', but this will likely be updated in future to a new umbrella 'all non-trash, non-repo-update-files local files' service

next week

I've had some real trouble keeping up recently, but that's ok. A bunch of it is out of my control, so I'll keep pushing anyway. Next week is due to be a 'medium' job week, and I would like to break up the gui session object into smaller pieces. Instead of saving the whole thing, it'll track and save and share individual pages. This will greatly reduce the random CPU lag and HDD use on any client with a large session, let crazy users to store more than 500,000 files in a session at once, and allow us to save changes more often. Basically the same improvement I made to subscriptions and the network objects in the last year, but for gui sessions.

I'm due to take my vacation week in two weeks, so I'll aim to have a simple 'clean' release week after next.