
I had a mixed week. I was able to get a long-planned maintenance routine completed, but that's all I have to show. This is an experimental release, only for advanced users who want to help me test it.

repository processing tracking

Since I haven't got anything really fun this week, and this changes something delicate, I only want advanced users to check it out for now. If you have experience with the program, run a regular backup, sync with the PTR or another repository, and want to help me out, then please update this week and use your repository normally. Let me know if you run into any trouble. One thing I noticed just now is my IRL client didn't want to catch up to some final processing until I restarted it.

Note this update will delete your pending siblings and parents, so commit before you update! I'll make it so it doesn't do this next week.

So, repositories now track their 'processing' status more cleverly. Hit services->review services to see--now the 'definitions' part of an update is separated, and the different contents a repository has (just files for a file repo, but mappings, siblings, and parents for a tag repo) also have separate tracking and pause buttons. Most of the time you'll see everything at the same progress, but now the client can do independent reset, so 'clear all siblings and then reprocess them', and it doesn't have to nuke and work through all your mappings as well.

This sounds simple, but it turns out it touches a bunch of core systems, and many were old and dusty. I brushed everything up, maybe fixed some little bugs or lags along the way, and added some neat reprocess commands to the 'review services' panel. All siblings and parents will be reset this week--part of a long-time problem with non-determinant sibling/parent processing I have been trying to pin down with the PTR janitors--but doing this reset now just takes a couple of seconds and shouldn't take more than a minute to reprocess.

There are some secondary cool things here--users can potentially now sync with the PTR just for the siblings and parents. It is still a little inefficient, since you are getting the tens millions of definitions no matter what, but you can skip the 1.3 billion mappings if you want. I also feel more able to hang new tools off it like a tag filter (e.g. 'get all the creator tags from PTR, but nothing else') in future.

full list

- this is an experimental release! please do not use this unless you are an advanced user who has a good backup, syncs with a repository (e.g. the PTR), and would like to help me out. if this is you, I don't need you to do anything too special, just please use the client and repo as normal, downloading and uploading, and let me know if anything messes up during normal operation
- repository processing split:
- tl;dr: nothing has changed, you don't have to do anything. with luck, your PTR service is going to fix some bad siblings and parents over the next couple of days
- repositories now track what they have processed on a per-content basis. this gives some extra maintenance tools to, for instance, quickly reset and reprocess your ~150k tag siblings on the PTR without having to clear and reprocess all 1.3 billion mappings too