- misc:
- right-clicking a selection tag and choosing 'select->files with x tag' now obeys the current tag domain (previously, it forced 'all known tags'). so, if you want to quickly select just the files with 'samus aran' on 'my tags', it should be doable
- the new 'partial' download resumer system will now tolerate two successive empty chunks before throwing a 'this chunk was empty' error. it seems some servers will randomly give an empty chunk at times during 206 transfers
- cancelling the slideshow custom time dialog no longer raises an error
- after the build boot problem last week, updated the opencv version in requirements.txts--we are now officially >=4.0.0, <= it looks like pyinstaller needs a patch for to work, so we'll wait for that. I am improving my weekly test routine to try to catch this in future
- also, the windows build no longer includes two copies of an opencv dll. turns out PyInstaller finds this dll ok now (putting it in another location) and it doesn't need to be explicitly added during build
- added a new help file to the db dir for users who experience crashes as soon as they load videos in mpv when using WASAPI or ASIO drivers. thanks greatly for the user who figured out the mpv.conf solution here (issue #973)

next week

More small work like this, and I would like to do some behind the scenes database code cleanup too.