- (mostly advanced) deleted file improvements:
- files that have been deleted from a local file domain are now aware of their file deletion reason. this is visible in the right-click menu of thumb or media canvas
- the advanced file deletion dialog now initialises using this stored reason. if all pending deletees have the same existing reason stored, it will display it, and if they are all set but differ, this will be noted and an option to not alter them is also available. this will come up later in niche advanced situations with mutiple file services
- reversing a recent change, local file deletion reasons are no longer cleared on undelete or (re)import. they'll now hang around invisibly and initialise any future advanced file deletion dialog
- updated the thumbnail and canvas undelete mechanism to handle multiple services. now, if the files are deleted in more than one domain, you will be asked to multiple-select which you wish to undelete for. if there is only one eligible undelete service, the process remains unchanged--you'll just get a yes/no confirmation if the 'confirm trash' option is set
- misc multiple local file services code conversion work

next week

I had some success working on clever trash this week, but there's a bit more to do, and a lot of general cleanup/refactoring. An old 'my files' static reference is still used in about two hundred places, and almost all have to be updated. So I'll grind at that. I also have a whole ton of little work that has piled up. Fingers crossed, my current IRL problems clear up in a few days.