
I had a great week working on small fixes and improvements. There's nothing earth-shattering here to highlight, but just a mix of little work.

full list

- command palette:
- the guy who put the command pallete together has fixed a 'show palette' bug some people encountered (issue #1060)
- he also added mouse support!
- he added support to show checkable menu items too, and I integrated this for the menubar (lightning bolt icon) items
- I added a line to the default QSS that I think fixes the odd icon/text background colours some users saw in the command palette
- .
- misc:
- file archive times are now recorded in the background. there's no load/search/sort yet, but this will be added in future
- under 'manage shortcuts', there is a new checkbox to rename left- and right-click to primary- and secondary- in the shortcuts UI. if you have a flipped mouse or any other odd situation, try it out
- if a file storage location does not have enough free disk space for a file, or if it just has <100MB generally, the client now throws up a popup to say what happened specifically with instructions to shut down and fix now and automatically pauses subscriptions, paged file import queues, and import folders. this test occurs before the attempt to copy the file into place. free space isn't actually checked over and over, it is cached for up to an hour depending on the last free space amount
- this 'paused all regular imports' mode is also now fired any time any simple file-add action fails to copy. at this stage, we are talking 'device disconnected' and 'device failed' style errors, so might as well pause everything just to be careful
- when the downloader hits a post url that spawns several subsidiary downloads (for instance on pixiv and artstation when you have a multi-file post), the status of that parent post is now 'completed', a new status to represent 'good, but not direct file'. new download queues will then present '3N' and '3 successful' summary counts that actually correspond to number of files rather than number of successful items
- pages now give a concise 'summary name' of 'name - num_files - import progress' (it also eli...des for longer names) for menus and the new command palette, which unlike the older status-bar-based strings are always available and will stop clients with many pages becoming multi-wide-column-menu-hell
- improved apng parsing. hydrus can now detect that pngs are actually apngs for (hopefully) all types of valid apng. it turns out some weird apngs have some additional header data, but I wrote a new chunk parser that should figure it all out
- with luck, users who have window focus issues when closing a child window (e.g. close review services, the main gui does not get focus back), should now see that happen (issue #1063). this may need some more work, so let me know
- the session weight count in the 'pages' menu now updates on any add thumbs, remove thumbs, or thumbnail panel swap. this _should_ be fast all the time, and buffer nicely if it is ever overwhelmed, but let me know if you have a madlad session and get significant new lag when you watch a downloader bring in new files