- the 'set_notes' command now checks the type of the notes Object. it obviously has to be string-to-string
- the 'get_thumbnail' command should now never 404. if you ask for a pdf thumb, it gives the pdf default thumb, and if there is no thumb for whatever reason, you get the hydrus fallback thumbnail. just like in the client itself
- updated client api help to talk about these
- updated the unit tests to handle them too
- did a pass over the client api help to unify indent style and fix other small formatting issues
- client api version is now 28

next week

I am feeling good about multiple local file services. Most of the cleanup this week was for that, and now there are only about three things left to do before we can start playing with it for real--UI and some importer code to handle imports to multiple locations, UI to present deletes and undeletes for multiple locations, and UI and db code to do move/copy across locations. I'll push on these in the coming weeks.

Next week will be a 'small jobs' week, and I would like to catch up on github issues in particular.