
I had an ok week doing a mix of work.


I made it so when you shift-select some thumbnails, you can now move 'back' to deselect what you just selected. This also remembers what was previously selected before the shift-select started, so it works basically like an undo. I like how this works, but as part of it I had to make every thumbnail 'hit' focus in the preview viewer, which is not how all selects worked before. I already find this annoying, so I think I am going to make the system more clever and add some options around this behaviour.

I think I improved the duplicate filter's zoom locking, particularly when one of a pair is portrait and the other is landscape. It should generally be more 'stable' now, but let me know if you still have any trouble.

WebPs should now show transparency correctly!

The new file history chart has another round of better math, an 'archived files' line, and you can hide the deleted files line if it is too big.

I reworked a little help to make some 'ok, I know the basics, what next?' things clearer to find. If you missed learning about the autocomplete dropdown, tag wildcards, or OR searching, please check here:

full list

- misc:
- when shift-selecting some thumbnails, you can now reverse the direction of the select and what you just selected will be deselected, basically a full undo (issue #1105)
- when ctrl-selecting thumbnails, if you add to the selection, the file you click is now focused and always previewed (previously this only happened if there was no focused file already). this is related to the shift-select logic above, but it may be annoying when making a big ctrl-selection of videos etc.. so let me know and I can make this more clever if needed
- added file sort 'file->hash', which sorts pseudorandomly but repeatably. it sounds not super clever, but it will be useful for certain comparison operations across clients