full list

- file notes and media viewer hover windows:
- file notes are now shown on the media viewer! this is a first version, pretty ugly, and may have font layout bugs for some systems, but it works. they hang just below the top-right hover, both in the canvas background and with their own hover if you mouseover. clicking on any note will open 'edit notes' on that note
- the duplicate filter's always-on hover _should_ slide out of the way when there are many notes
- furthermore, I rewrote the backend of hover windows. they are now embedded into the media viewer rather than being separate frameless toolbar windows. this should relieve several problems different users had--for instance, if you click a hover, you now no longer lose focus on the main media viewer window. I hacked some of this to get it to work, but along the way I undid three other hacks, so overall it should be better. please let me know how this works for you!
- fixed a long time hover window positioning bug where the top-right window would sometimes pop in for a frame the first time you moved the mouse to the top middle before repositioning and hiding itself again
- removed the 'notes' icon from the top right hover window
- refactored a bunch of canvas background code
- .
- client api:
- search_files/get_thumbnail now returns image/jpeg or image/png Content-Type. it _should_ be super fast, but let me know if it lags after 3k thumbs or something
- you can now ask for CBOR or JSON specifically by using the 'Accept' request header, regardless of your own request Content-Type (issue #1110)
- if you send or ask for CBOR but it is not available for that client, you now get a new 'Not Acceptable' 406 response (previously it would 500 or 200 but in JSON)
- updated the help regarding the above and wrote some unit tests to check CBOR/JSON requests and responses
- client api version is now 30
- .
- misc:
- added a link to 'Hyshare', at https://github.com/floogulinc/hyshare, to the Client API help. it is a neat way to share galleries with friends, just like the the old 'local booru'
- building on last week's shift-select improvement, I tweaked it and shift-select and ctrl-select are back to not setting the preview focus. you can ctrl-click a bunch of vids in quick silence again
- the menu on the 'file log' button is now attached to the downloader page lists and the menu when you right-click on the file log panel. you can now access these actions without having to highlight a big query
- the same is also true of the search/check log!
- when you select a new downloader in the gallery download page, the keyboard focus now moves immediately to the query text input box
- tweaked the zoom locking code in the duplicate filter again. the 'don't lock that way if there is spillover' test, which is meant to stop garbage site banners from being hidden just offscreen, is much more strict. it now only cares about 10% or so spillover, assuming that with a large 'B' the spillover will be obvious. this should improve some odd zoom locking situations where the first pair change was ok and the rest were weird
- if you exit the client before the first session loads (either it is really huge or a problem breaks/delays your boot) the client will not save any 'last/exit session' (previously, it was saving empty here, requiring inconvenient load from a backup)
- if you have a really really huge session, the client is now more careful about not booting delayed background tasks like subscriptions until the session is in place
- on 'migrate database', the thumbnail size estimate now has a min-max range and a tooltip to clarify that it is an estimate
- fixed a bug in the new 'sort by file hash' pre-sort when applying system:limit

next week

I would like to push multiple local file services some more. Probably some more infrastructure work in delete and import UI.