
I had a good couple of weeks doing some regular work and getting 'multiple local file services' ready for testing.

multiple local file services

This is not ready for everyone yet! Advanced users only for now please.

I turned multiple local file services on in debug mode last week, just to see how things were looking, and it turned out suprisingly great, no big problems. For several months now I have been doing prep work for it, and that seems to have paid off. I decided to finish the last important things and get a v1.0 out.

So, it is now possible to have multiple 'my files' services in your client, and to search, import to, and migrate files between them. These services are completely blind to each other, so searching for autocomplete tags in one will not return suggestions from another. The hope is this will allow fairly good sfw/nsfw-style separations in clients and open up interesting new contained workflows.

I am recommending this only for advanced users for now, and moreso only those who have been following this feature. I have not yet written up nice help for this, and some of the UI/workflow is still not user friendly, so what I would like is for people who are enthusiastic to try it out and let me know what they think. I really haven't run into any massive errors, but I won't encourage you to go crazy on a real client yet. Go nuts on a new empty test client, or experiment carefully on a real client, just in case something goes wrong, and I will keep polishing the experience.

The basics are: you can now make a new 'local file domain' in manage services. file import options now lets you import to different or multiple local file domains, and thumbnail right-click lets you copy or move files between them too. The normal search page dropdown lets you jump between local services just like searching trash, and of course it now supports multiple domains if you want to do a union. The delete and undelete commands are similarly a little more powerful when you start adding new services. Check out the changelog for more specific details.

Next step I think is to make it more obvious when thumbnails/files are in certain services, since at the moment you have to scan the text on the status bar, top media hover, or thumbnail menu. Maybe custom icon rules (e.g. 'when the file is in "sfw" domain, give it a flower icon'). Then general polish like shortcut integration, maybe some more search tech, and then I really want to write a nice help document for it all to introduce normal experienced users to the idea, and some 'merge these clients' tech would be great, so users who have been using two or more clients for years can finally combine them into one.